These days there seems to be an “app” for almost everything, but there’s no “app” that

compares with a vacation in the Florida Keys.
That’s the message the Monroe County Tourist Development Council is beginning to send via a new campaign created by Tinsley Advertising, the TDC’s long-time ad agency.
Tinsley Creative Director Dorn Martell said the agency is capitalizing on the current Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) craze by referencing the “apps,” or applications, developed specifically for those devices.
“Everyone is hammering the new apps and technology and preaching technology as an escape,” he said. “What we really wanted to do was position the Keys as an alternative with ‘real’ experiences.
“We want to communicate that there is no app or substitute for the wonderful, unique vacation experiences you get in the Florida Keys,” said Martell.
The 30-second spot begins with music that sounds a bit like Apple’s familiar theme, but is definitively different.
A finger appears to pull Florida Keys scenes across the television screen simulating an iPhone, iPod or other touch-screen mobile or interactive device.
“There’s no app for this,” an announcer proclaims over a Florida Keys underwater scene.
“And there’s definitely no app for this,” the announcer continues while a couple watches the sun set behind mangroves.
“Real experiences are always worth more. So unplug and reconnect in the Florida Keys & Key West.”
The spots are slated to begin running on major Internet portals later this month and then take to conventional broadcast venues such as Fox News, HGTV, CNN, Food Channel and the Weather Channel in January.
They can be viewed now on the TDC’s Web site at or on You Tube at